Udeshya girls in STEM

Free Fund
Geographic Focus
Asia and Pacific
Thematic Parameters
Health and Wellbeing; Financial inclusion
Udeshya girls in STEM aims to co-creating and build spaces for young girls to meaningfully engage themselves in STEM field and take agency in their own ways for a more equal economy as well as to work with the decision-makers and implementation entities in the education sector, especially at the local level, to reinforce the girls in STEM agenda. They want to collaborate with local entities and build ownership among the stakeholders, who have a lot of control in designing education programs and school curriculum. Our objective is for the realization of the need for STEM as a legitimate field for girl students, while also giving them room to conduct the same projects by themselves in the coming years, which will give sustainability to UDESHYA’s larger goal of amplifying interests and career scopes in STEM among girl students for their educational, social, leadership, economic empowerment.